Healthy Eating Tips /

Many studies have shown that sugar suppresses the immune system. Exceeding the daily required dose of sugar can knock your child's immune system down for up to 5 hours.

Is your little one a picky eater? Children are more likely to try foods that come in different colors and shapes. Get your kid excited about his food by making sure to fill his plate with a rainbow of fruits & veggies and use cookie cutters to create different shapes!

Remember, before starting school, make sure your child has a diet rich in vitamins, mainly LCPs, for concentration and memory and Prebiotics for gut and immune health. You would also find those at the adequate levels in the growing up milk Aptamil Kid.

Calcium rich foods are ideal to help in strengthening your child's bones. Pasteurized cheese and yoghurt are delicious and safe sources of calcium, protein and Vitamin B.

To boost the immunity of your child, you can find Prebiotics in bananas, chicoree, garlic, leeks, yogurt and also in the growing up milk Aptamil Advance Junior.

Give your toddler the chance to decide when they've had enough. They'll know when they're full and when they're hungry and their intake of food should even out across the day.

Did you know that Zinc plays an important role in your child's immunity? It also helps in healing wounds in case your child gets injured. Aptamil Advance Junior provides your child with the adequate levels of Zinc and can complement your child’s diet.

Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids that have many health benefits. They are found in high quantities in oily fish, such as salmon.

During winter, the lack of sun means your toddler isn’t getting enough Vitamin D, which is needed not only for the absorption of Calcium for healthy bones and teeth, but also for a healthy immune system.

Vitamin C is among the best-known immune-boosters. Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of Vitamin C. If your toddler isn’t a fresh fruit fan, consider preparing a colorful fruit salad as children are more likely to try foods in different shapes and colors.

Foods that are high in fibre are very good as a part of a well-balanced diet. They help food move through the digestive system. If you are making sandwiches or rolls, make them fibre-rich by using whole-grain breads (rye, oat, or wheat) instead of white.

LCPs not only support brain development but also immunity development. You can find them in fish and vegetable oils. Parents of children who aren’t fish fans can sprinkle a teaspoon of flax seeds on their child’s food.

Make sure your child drinks plenty of water throughout the day as it helps in getting rid of toxins thus limits illness.

Did you know that between the age of 3 and 6 years, the cells responsible for defending the body against viruses and bacteria have still not reached maturity yet? Therefore, a growing up milk formula like Aptamil Advance Junior will help in building a strong immunity foundation.

Remember to feed your child a rich balanced meal for breakfast. Breakfast will help to improve your child's alertness, attention span and school performance.

Vitamin E can be found in a variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Here are some foods rich in Vitamin E: kiwi, mango, spinach and broccoli.

Did you know that between the age of 1 and 3 years, the cell responsible for defending the body against viruses and bacteria have still not reached maturity yet? Therefore, a growing up milk formula like Aptamil Advance Junior with Prebiotics will help in building a strong immunity foundation.

On top of their three regular meals, offer your toddler two or three small healthy snacks during the day. Rice cakes, plain biscuits, a small sandwich, fruit, a yogurt or a little cube of cheese are all ideal.

Did you know that adult cow’s milk lacks the nutrients required for the development of the immune system of children, such as Prebiotics? Aptamil Advance Junior contains a unique mixture of Prebiotics to help strengthen the development of a child’s immune system.

Does your child get sick frequently? A healthy balanced diet can transform your child’s immune system by providing elevated levels of crucial vitamins and minerals.

Diarrhea or intestinal prevalence in our region is considered high. The usage of Prebiotics is proven to help maintain healthy gut flora hence protecting from diarrhea incidence.

Kids are more exposed to viruses and infections once they start school and interact with other children. Make sure your child's milk is enriched in iron, prebiotics and LCPs to help strengthen his immunity.

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