Creative Skills

Creative Skills

Creativity is about more than choosing the colors for a painting or drawing. It is a way of thinking, problem solving and applying knowledge as well.

Many people assume that creativity is something children are born with and either do or do not have. But in reality, creativity is more skill than inborn talent, and it is a skill parents can help their kids develop.

Creativity is about more than choosing the colors for a painting or drawing. It is a way of thinking, problem solving and applying knowledge as well. From their earliest days, babies respond to contrasts, colors, sounds, and movements.

How they integrate these various experiences will influence their growth and development across many areas, including creativity. In this way, creativity is ageless and timeless. And more importantly, creativity can be acquired, and fostered.

Creative play and activities have a central role in children’s overall learning and development. Kids typically enjoy expressing ideas and exploring their world through songs, dress-ups, art materials, language and movement.

Creative play and imaginative arts activities are very important for your 5 year olds learning and development. They help nurture imagination, and also develop problem-solving, thinking and motor skills. Right before the start of school, you might notice your child asking more questions about how things work since he is ready to explore and experience new ideas, skills and information. At this age, children often use storytelling and role-play to solve problems or use colors, shapes or even music to communicate feelings and messages. Activities that can help in your 5 year olds Creative skill development:

  • Ask your child to be your mirror reflection as you move and dance.
  • Prepare a puppet show set up where you are the audience and your child is the narrator. Leave the creativity and storytelling to him.
  • Ask your child to look at others’ artwork and encourage a discussion for him to form an opinion.
  • Encourage your child to tell you more about his favorite toy, a story or a picture. This regular activity will help him develop his expression and imagination.
  • Ask your child and his sibling or a friend to sit down facing each other and take turns to create facial expressions of happiness, fear, anger, disgust and sadness. One can start and the other can imitate.

Watch our Creative Skills Year 5 videos:

Music and Movement

At 5 years, your child has a varied repertoire of music and can even create music and songs from his own imagination. He can recognize rhythm, tempo and tone and knows that fast music goes with fast dancing. In this video, we will share some activities that can help your 5 year old develop his music and movement.

Drama and Pretend Play

A 5 year old is able to perform simple plays and perform puppet shows. He can even create his own costumes and scenery for a dramatic play. In this video, we will share some activities that can help your 5 year old develop his dramatic arts.

Perspective and Visual Arts

At 5 years, your child creates recognizable art containing details and with more or less realistic proportions. In this video, we will share some activities that can help your 5 year old develop his perspective and visual arts.

Monitor your child’s growth

Compare your child’s weight with other children their age

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