The signs could be subtle or overt, gradual or sudden, but your body has a way of communicating that your baby is getting ready to come into the world. Read on to discover when you should expect to go into labour.
You’ve waited months for this moment! But now you’re heavily pregnant and you probably have lots of odd aches and pains. Understanding what is a sign of early labour and what is not can be confusing. If you think you’re in the early stages of labour, the main thing to do is stay calm and relaxed and let your doctor know so that they can assess what is happening.
The first stage of labour can last for hours, so the first thing to remember is not to panic when the signs start. Signs you are in early labour may include a combination of the following:
As soon as you think you’re in the early stages of labour, get in contact. They’ll want to know the timings of your contractions and any other symptoms. Remember, if your water has broken you should call your doctor straight away. They’ll help advise you on when you should go to the hospital.
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Compare your child’s weight with other children their age
Our team of experts is ready to answer your questions and support you on your journey from pregnancy to toddler hood. For more information and relevant advice, please contact us between 9am-5pm from Sunday to Thursday.