Your due date has come and gone. And yet your baby’s showing no signs of making an appearance. The last few days of waiting can leave you tired and anxious. Here’s what you can do to fill the hours while you wait.
You might be bursting with excitement and ready to try anything to bring on labour but do try and relax – good things come to those who wait. Now is the perfect opportunity to do all the little things you haven’t got around to yet. Take a look at our tips on passing the time and getting ready for your baby’s arrival.
Trying to pinpoint a due date is a bit of a tricky science. Which means that an overdue pregnancy is extremely common – in fact, four out of five babies are born after their due date. So try and make the most of the time to relax. Your baby will come when it’s ready.
A quick check with your doctor to make sure everything is well with your baby should give you the peace of mind in the short-term. If you’re feeling really impatient, check out our tips to help bring on labour.
No matter how hard you try, sitting on the sofa, staring at your belly and willing your baby to come out isn’t going to work! The best thing you can do is relax but if you are feeling energetic, here are a few things you could do to pass the time:
If you think your labour has started, but you’re not quite sure, call your doctor and see what they think.
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Compare your child’s weight with other children their age
Our team of experts is ready to answer your questions and support you on your journey from pregnancy to toddler hood. For more information and relevant advice, please contact us between 9am-5pm from Sunday to Thursday.