Infant Stool Colors and Their Differences

Infant Stool Colors and Their Differences

Take a closer look at the contents of your baby’s diaper. Turns out, you can tell a lot about your baby’s health by what’s in there. You’ll notice your baby’s poo does change over time, so here are a few tips for what to expect and some warrning signs to be aware of.

Baby stool color during the first few days

Something you are going to become very well acquainted with over the coming months is your baby’s poo! Get any group of new mums together and they’ll no doubt start talking about the content of their baby’s nappies! You’ll notice that your baby’s stools do change over time so here are some tips for what to expect and warning signs to be aware of.

Your baby’s changing stools

Your baby’s stools will go through many changes over the first few months, especially once you start to introduce solids! But the most obvious changes will be in the first few weeks of their life.

The first few days

In the first few days after birth your baby will pass meconium – a sticky, greeny-black substance, which is difficult to wipe off. Passing meconium shows that your baby’s bowels are working normally.

Once all the meconium has worked its way through your baby’s system, their stools will change.

Breastfed babies

If you’re breastfeeding you’ll notice that your baby’s poo has a distinctive, sweet smell. It will be a mustardy or bright yellow colour and have a loose texture. It might even look as if it has mustard seeds in it sometimes. Your baby might produce 2-3 of these stools a day. Or they may only go once every 2-3 days once breastfeeding is established.

Bottle-fed babies

If your baby is bottle-fed, the infant stool color will be bulkier than if they were breastfed and will smell a little like adult ones. The colour will be pale yellow or yellowish-brown and they should pass a stool at least once a day to avoid becoming constipated.

A change in your baby’s poo

Diarrhoea, constipation or blood-streaked poo are not normal for your baby to have continuously but if they occur just once, they might be symptoms of something quite simple. If you’re worried, it’s always a good idea to check with a doctor.

Any kind of small tummy bug, medication, teething or sensitivity to food can cause diarrhoea and this should clear up without treatment within 24 hours. If not, speak to your doctor.

Constipation can be caused by a number of things including a change of diet, dehydration or a minor illness like a cold. Follow our tips to relieve your baby’s constipation.

Streaks of blood can sometimes appear in your baby’s poo if they’ve got or have had constipation and have been straining too hard. But it’s always best to get this checked out by your doctor just in case.

Monitor your child’s growth

Compare your child’s weight with other children their age

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