Physical Skills

Physical Skills

A young child’s physical growth first begins as muscles gain strength followed by gradually developing coordination. The development of muscular control is the first step in this process.

Physical development provides children with the abilities they need to explore and interact with the world around them. A young child’s physical growth first begins as muscles gain strength followed by gradually developing coordination. The development of muscular control is the first step in this process.

As children grow, you can notice dramatic changes in the amount and type of physical activity displayed. Infants spend the first days of life sleeping and eating. However, as they become toddlers, they move from crawling to walking and eventually being more independent and running around. The way children are held and handled, the toys they play with, and their environment all influence their physical skill development.

At this age, 3-year-old’s are less top-heavy and move with greater sureness. They are more coordinated at running, climbing, and other large-muscle activities. By gaining muscle coordination, they can catch a large ball using two hands and their bodies. They can now walk in a line and move quickly around obstacles. By now, he might also walk without looking down at his feet and even walk backwards slowly. Activities that can help in your 3 year old’s Physical skill development:

  • Place a hula hoop at a short distance from your child and encourage him to throw a ball through the hoop. Gradually increase the distance.
  • Create a treasure hunt for your child and encourage him to find all the hidden objects which will involve him walking around and bending down to look under furniture.
  • Swing a rope slowly on the floor and ask your child to jump over it at the right time.
  • Ask your children and his friends to sit in circle and play music as they pass a small ball around to the beat, alternating between fast and slow rhythms.

Watch our Physical Skills Year 3 videos:

Physical skills

At the age of 3, children become more coordinated at running, climbing, and other large-muscle activities. In this video, we will share some activities that will help your 3 year old develop his physical skills.

Physical Skills

At the age of 3, children become more coordinated at running, climbing, and other large-muscle activities. In this video, we will share some activities that will help your 3 year old develop his physical skills.

Monitor your child’s growth

Compare your child’s weight with other children their age

Need advice?

Our team of experts is ready to answer your questions and support you on your journey from pregnancy to toddler hood. For more information and relevant advice, please contact us between 9am-5pm from Sunday to Thursday.