Interactive Skills

Interactive Skills

By learning to use gestures and words, they will start to communicate and interact with others in more complex ways.

Children develop interactive skills from the moment they are born. They quickly start bonding with their parents and siblings by making eye contact and interacting with different pitches and tones of voice.

As they grow and develop, so do their interactive and social skills. By learning to use gestures and words, they will start to communicate and interact with others in more complex ways.

Children learn interpersonal and social skills based on their experiences – by what worked in the past. Young babies may scream and cry to let their parents know they are hungry. As a child gets older, screaming for food becomes less and less acceptable – once some basic language has been learned it becomes more appropriate to ask for food. With time, practice and encouragement, children will learn that communicating using words and sentences, including the word ‘please,’ to ask for food maybe the best way to get what they want.

At this age, your 3 year old will still need familiar adults nearby for security as he explores and interacts with others. As he gains independence with time, your child will begin to have real and preferred friendships with other children. When conflicts arise between his friends, he will typically seek adult assistance at this age. He is slowly learning to recognize what causes different feelings, and will show sympathy through basic actions such as giving a hug to someone who is upset. Although he is able to better manage his emotions, he might still overreact in time of stress. Activities that can help in your 3 year old’s Interactive skill development:

  • Discuss which toys he would like to share with others and which he will keep to himself. He does not need to share all his toys.
  • Play music for your child and his friends to dance, run around or jump to. This will help in releasing frustration and energy.
  • Demonstrate to your child how to introduce himself to new friends and start up a conversation. He can then try to replicate the approach independently.

Set a good example. Show your child how to be respectful and caring to others during playtime, which will encourage him to do the same

Watch our Interactive Skills Year 3 videos:


At the age of 3, children become proficient at understanding the emotions of others and even the cause of different emotional states. In this video, we will share some activities that will help your 3 year old identify and manage his emotions.


At the age of 3, children become much more social, forging real friendships for the first time. In this video, we will share some activities that will help your 3 year old develop social relationships.

Take the assessment tests to receive customized tips and advice that will help your child with his development.


Monitor your child’s growth

Compare your child’s weight with other children their age

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