Creativity is about more than choosing the colors for a painting or drawing. It is a way of thinking, problem solving and applying knowledge as well.
Many people assume that creativity is something children are born with and either do or do not have. But in reality, creativity is more skill than inborn talent, and it is a skill parents can help their kids develop.
Creativity is about more than choosing the colors for a painting or drawing. It is a way of thinking, problem solving and applying knowledge as well. From their earliest days, babies respond to contrasts, colors, sounds, and movements.
How they integrate these various experiences will influence their growth and development across many areas, including creativity. In this way, creativity is ageless and timeless. And more importantly, creativity can be acquired, and fostered.
Creative play and activities have a central role in children’s overall learning and development. Kids typically enjoy expressing ideas and exploring their world through songs, dress-ups, art materials, language and movement.
At this age, when children engage in creative art, it is a whole body experience. They often are as interested in grasping, chewing, pounding and squishing as they are in trying to actually create something. Child care providers sometimes do not provide infants with art experiences. But even at this age, the sheer exploration is worthwhile for children’s development. Toddlers enjoy sensory experiences such as water play, texture books or toys. Activities that can help in your 1 year olds Creative skill development:
Compare your child’s weight with other children their age
Our team of experts is ready to answer your questions and support you on your journey from pregnancy to toddler hood. For more information and relevant advice, please contact us between 9am-5pm from Sunday to Thursday.