Week 30


40 cm

Your baby’s brain is now growing in leaps and bounds. You’re about to feel them kicking more acutely. Make sure to stay hydrated to keep urinary infections away. Learn more about it this week below.

At 30 weeks your baby measures roughly 40cm long and weighs around 2lb 8oz. Although they’re spending 80% of their time asleep and dreaming, when they’re awake they’re turning regularly and can be in either the head down or breech position. At 32 weeks around three out of four babies will have turned to the head-down position that’s considered ‘ready’ for labour, with the remaining quarter catching up soon – only 3-4% of babies are born breech (feet or bottom first).

During the final few weeks your baby’s brain development accelerates; nerve fibres grow rapidly to allow brain impulses to travel faster and to help your baby learn more quickly when they enter the outside world.
Urinary infections can be common during the latter part of your pregnancy – especially cystitis which feels like a burning sensation when you urinate. Drinking cranberry juice is a simple and effective remedy that many women swear by. Drinking plenty of water and going to the toilet as often as you feel the need to, rather than waiting until you are desperate, will also help to flush out any infection. If you’re worried, speak to your doctor.

Learn about what you should pack in your hospital bag >>

If you have any questions about your pregnancy, or want to know more about any aspect of the birth, our Careline team is here to help you find the answers. Call us on 009647723342222 between the hours of 9am and 5pm Saturday to Thursday.

Know your baby’s
due date

When was the first day of your last
menstrual period?

Know your baby’s
due date

RESULT Estimated due date (40 week full term)

Continue to read more All dates are approximations and should only be considered as a reference.

Need advice?

Our team of experts is ready to answer your questions and support you on your journey from pregnancy to toddler hood. For more information and relevant advice, please contact us between 9am-5pm from Sunday to Thursday.