How to breastfeed

How to breastfeed

Breast is best say the experts, but sometimes it might take a while for you to get comfortable and for your baby to latch on effectively. Find out more about the best techniques and positions that will make things easier for both of you.

It’s widely accepted that breastmilk is best for your baby. However, breastfeeding doesn’t always come as naturally as some mums hope it will. It’s not something that you or your baby will instinctively know how to do.

Don’t be disappointed if you find things difficult at first. With the correct technique and some practice, you’ll find that things get easier.

Following these tips can help:

  • Sit comfortably in a supportive chair
  • Hold your baby close, facing towards your body, and try to keep their head, shoulders and body in a straight line.
  • Line up your baby’s nose with your nipple, then gently nudge their mouth with it
  • Once their mouth is wide open, wide, bring your baby up to your breast (not the other way round)
  • If your baby is latched on correctly their bottom lip will be curled back and the only visible area of your areola (the dark skin around your nipple) is above your baby’s top lip
  • Listen for the sound of them swallowing – a sign they’re taking milk in
  • If your baby puts their hands in the way, try wrapping or swaddling them so that their arms are kept at their sides. It’s natural for your baby to pause from time to time. If you’re finding feeding uncomfortable, try a supportive v-shaped pillow. Painful feeding could be caused by your baby not latching on properly – changing positions may help. Slip your finger between the nipple and their mouth to gently dislodge them and move them away from your breast and try to position them again.

If you’re encountering any problems with breastfeeding or you’re worried your baby isn’t feeding as well as they should be, speak to your doctor. Most problems can be overcome and breastfeeding is worth persevering with. You can also call our Careline team on 009647723342222 (Other countries) between the hours of 9am and 6pm Saturday to Thursday, who’ll do their best to help.

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